Also, for youth conference this year, we're going to spend the first week of the summer on Bishop Oldham's house boat on Lake Powell. I'm super excited about going, but it sure takes a lot of planning to make something big come together. I'm the Bishop's first assistant, so I'm in charge of a lot of crap that has to be done in order for the trip to run smoothly. The next couple of weeks are going to be kind of hectic, but hopefully we can create something that is fun and meaningful for the youth of the ward.
Lastly, there's no school tomorrow because of Presidents Day. To celebrate this day off, I scheduled a job interview. Kinda sucks that it falls on a holiday, but hopefully I can start makin' some paper (funny, 'cause I'm applying at an office supply store). Financial Literacy with Mr. Fieldsted has taught me a lot about the interview process, and that knowledge has made me feel more prepared for what's coming my way tomorrow. I'm hoping!