Snow Canyon, Utah

Snow Canyon, Utah

Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Random, Anyone?

Can I just say, teenagers are so lucky to have Summer vacation. I love waking up at 9 instead of 6:30 and spending the day doing, well, anything that you want! Today for example. I got up and hung around the house and played nerd games (computer games) with my nerd friend and then went rock climbing. After climbing I drove straight to my dad's softball game and then to dinner at the Great Steak in Provo. Now I'm home, writing this. 

That poetry memorization thingy I told you about? Well, the first poem is Walt Whitman's "When I Heard the Learn'd Astronomer". I've got it down, and I'm anxiously waiting to go over and have a recital party at Taylor's. Nerdy? Very. Awesome to have poetry memorized? Absolutely. 

On a random note, look what I did!

It's hard to take pictures of, but you get the idea. And because this post has been completely random, I guess I'll tell you about another one of my obsessions. 

 I love audio books. A lot. I love being able to mow a lawn or go on a bike ride or on a hike while some nice man tells you a story. Right now I'm listening to Cormac McCarthy's All the Pretty Horses. It is awesome. Very cowboyish, but I've enjoyed it way more than I thought I would going in. I highly recommend it.


  1. There is nothing wrong with a good cowboy novel haha. We still need to check off that poem!!
