Snow Canyon, Utah

Snow Canyon, Utah

Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Why the World Is a Pretty Darn Good Place

There is so much variety. It sounds cliche, but I am only just discovering how people's differences make them interesting. Nearly everyday I sit in a room with 40 or so people, all with differing opinions and tastes. We are surrounded by so much knowledge about the way life works, and yet we often don't offer a hello to the person passing by on the sidewalk. We get so caught up with advancing ourselves that we forget to learn from the accomplishments of others.

The planet is incredibly beautiful. Where I sit to eat breakfast I can see the sun rise over the mountains not 10 miles away. In my house. While I eat breakfast. How amazing is that?  Does the view stop me from looking at my phone instead of the mountains? Of course not, but the beauty is still there. Sometimes we forget to look around and notice the natural wonders we are surrounded by. 

People do good things. They also do bad things, but most of the time strive to become better people. Seeing the good that many people do makes me want to do good. Giving to the poor, offering comforting words to a friend in need, working toward the advancement of other people's goals, there are so many things we can do to be better people. Sometimes it's hard to know how, but if you pay attention you'll discover ways to help others, even in a small way.

The world is a fascinating, beautiful, and just darn awesome place to live. I'm glad that I get to experience, and hopefully add to in some way, this human adventure that is life.

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