Snow Canyon, Utah

Snow Canyon, Utah

Saturday, May 24, 2014

All the Best Things

Life is hard. I've learned that lesson many times over this past couple of days. But I've also come to realize that there are things in life that make it worth living. Here are a few of my favorites.

1. Music
If you've seen my older post on my love of music, you'll know that this one's a big one for me. Music is what gets me through the day. I'm actually typing this post to Counting Crows's Across a Wire: Live in New York City. A day without music is a day without color!

2. Baseball
I used to play Baseball, but gave it up three or four years ago. I love to have a catch with my dad whenever I get the opportunity, though. I love the smell of the glove and the ball and the sound that a solid throw makes when caught. There's nothing that illustrates Summer better than having a catch.

3. Steak
I love steak. There, I said it. Eating cows pleases me. Mmmm.

4. Literature
I love to read and write books and poetry. There is something captivating about the beautiful arrangement of words. Look for a post on my favorite writing form, Calligraphy, in the near future! Also, my fantastic English teacher started a blog where she's trying to write one thousand stories based on people's experiences. Check it out here.

5. Cleanliness
I spent around four hours today cleaning up my room. My room wasn't a huge disaster going into the cleaning session, but I had a lot of crap that had accumulated since my last deep clean. It sure feels nice to have an organized room again!

Life is worth living if there's something to live for. A favorite Pinterest post of my family says: "If life gives you lemons make lemonade. But your lemonade's really going to suck without some sugar."

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